Khandadhar waterfall Keonjhar.Khandadhar waterfall Sundergarh.Khandadhar waterfall Odisha

Khandadhar waterfall Keonjhar

Khandadhar Waterfall height500 feet
Distance from Keonjhar to Khandadhar waterfall53.4 km
Khandadhar Waterfall open or notYes
Khandadhar waterfall opening time7 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Khandadhar waterfall is on which riverVertical Falling from Mountain

Khandadhar waterfall Keonjhar Image

Khandadhar waterfall Keonjhar
Khandadhar waterfall Keonjhar

Khandadhar Location

Khandadhar waterfall Sundergarh

Khandadhar Waterfall height244 meter
Distance from Rourkela to Khandadhar waterfall104 km
Khandadhar Waterfall open or notYes
Khandadhar waterfall opening time7 A.M. to 5 P.M.
Khandadhar waterfall is on which riverWater fall created by a perennial rivulet called Korapani Nala

Khandadhar water fall Sundergarh Location

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